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WCHS fall food drive helps families in need

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Food Drive promotional graphic (via.The Portland Press Herald)

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November 10, 2023                                                                                    Navneet Kaur | Staff Writer

From October 30th to November 3rd, Westlake Charter School organized a fall food drive to support people who can’t afford food. This drive was organized in the K-8 and WCHS campus.


A food drive is a form of charity that is conducted by a group of individuals or a corporation to stockpile and distribute foodstuffs to people who cannot afford food. The reason why the food drive exists is because it not only provides food but it also spreads awareness of the need to fight hunger in our communities. It is a great activity for business, schools, clubs, place of worship, and community events. 


WCHS staff and students organized a canned food drive on the campus. Students participated in a competition to see which grade level (K-5th) or Advisory class (6-11th) can bring in the most donations. The food items that have been collected are canned corn, gravy, canned green beans, stuffing, and more. After collecting the food at the end of the week the winning classes win a popsicle party.


In conclusion, a food drive is a way to show humanity and brotherhood towards the people. Follow The Expedition to read more articles.

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