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Should schools adopt a four-day school week?

What a 4 day school week schedule would look like. (via

October 27, 2023                                                                                                                                                                  KC Nwokoro | Staff Writer

Would you rather have school for five days or for five days? Most highschoolers my age would rather pick the four day school week instead. Having a five day school week burns out students until the weekend. Even when the weekend comes, we use Saturday to recover from the week and Sunday we have to get ready for another school week. Even though having a four day school week would shorten summer break, I still believe that having a four day school week improves students’ and teachers’ mental health and helps them improve their school performance. 


Having a four day school week has shown to improve student sleep schedule. According to, “Four-day elementary students report that they got more sleep and four-day secondary students say that they felt much less tired than their counterparts in five-day systems.”  Having a shortened school week would improve students' mental health and sleep schedule.

A poll taken from WCHS students which shows that 64% of students would prefer to keep the school week the same while 36% of students would prefer the change.

Also, having a four day work week boosts teacher self-esteem. states, “With an extra day to plan lessons, grade assignments and attend professional development opportunities, teachers can feel more prepared and engaged in their work. This can lead to better job satisfaction, which can translate into better classroom performance.” This quote shows that teachers can also gain something from having a four day school week.


In conclusion, having a four day school week would be an improvement for students and teachers. To help make this change, go to and follow the instructions on the page Read more articles like this at The Expedition.

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