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Meet the 9th Grade Representatives

September 29, 2023                                                                                                                                                   Shane Mckinney | Staff Writer

On Sep. 8, 2023, Noah Alexander and Alena Olagundoye were announced as the 9th grade representatives for the 2023-2024 school year. This means that they will be representing the 9th graders in the student council for the rest of the year. 


They will be the voice for the 9th graders' wants and needs as well as any problems that may need to be addressed. The 9th grade representatives will voice the 9th graders' opinions who want to seek change to the people in power during student council meetings. “We have the power to bring up the problems and issues that westlake may be happening,” Noah said. 


Now that we know the 9th grade representatives do, let’s actually meet them. Let’s meet Noah first.


The moment the school year started, Noah was determined to get a spot as a student council member because the last time he ran for president at his old school, he didn’t get elected. Even though Noah can’t run for president as a freshman, Noah is very involved and is even considering joining the volleyball team in the future. As mentioned previously, the 9th grade representative’s job is to represent the 9th graders and give them a voice, so don’t be shy to go out and talk to him.


“I hope to get the 9th graders' voices out. I know that freshmen are new to the school so I hope that me and Alena will be able to speak on behalf of the 9th graders and get them what they need.” Noah told The Expedition. If you ever want to talk to Noah about an issue then you can often find him in the gym or commons.


Now that we have met Noah, let's meet Alena, the other 9th grade representative.


Alena ran for 9th grade representative because she wanted to get involved as a freshman and be a leader.  Alena likes to dance, read and play volleyball. She is also looking to get into competitive volleyball as well. As a 9th grade representative, her job is to get the 9th graders voices out so if you ever need to talk to her, you can usually find her in the commons, the OASIS, or just roaming the halls. Not only can Alena and Noah help represent the 9th graders, giving input for future changes. “We are trying to discuss the idea of an open campus,” said Alena.


In conclusion, now you know what the 9th grade representatives do and that you can help give the 9th graders a voice. With 9th grade representatives and student council combined, we can expect to see change in Westlake for the better. 

Noah and Alena attend weekly student council meetings every Wednesday in Mrs. Grimaldi’s classroom if you ever want to stop by. They discuss new ideas for Westlake as well as discuss changes that they would like to see. If you have any questions, ideas, or changes that you would like to see, then feel free to stop by the student council's weekly meeting or speak to any of the 9th grade representatives.

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