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Why is homecoming important?

How teens can be more productive

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September 29, 2023                                                                                                                                                                  Dua Khan | Staff Writer 

Close your eyes and think, what does homecoming mean to you? For me, homecoming means meeting new people, your friends, teachers, other parents and having fun! 


Homecoming is important to people for many reasons. A 9th grader in Westlake Charter High School, Gisele Gonzalez, says, “Going to the dance creates fun memories, because I got to see my friends and dance. I also got extra pizza at the end!”

A homecoming should be held at every school because it brings parents and teenagers together. This has numerous advantages for schools, including the ability to charge admission and fundraise. 


Homecoming is a major event for many people because teenagers can have a fun night with their friends, and adults can reconnect with people that they know. The people that go to homecomings are able to make new memories and show school spirit. According to, “The homecoming dance is an important event for many students. It is a chance to socialize with friends and classmates and create memories that will last a lifetime. The dance is also a way for students to celebrate their school spirit and pride.” This shows that homecoming is a very major event for people since they get to meet with friends, make memories and are able to show school spirit!


Every school should have a homecoming, unless they have a reason to not host one. People like to watch football, have fun with their friends, and more. Homecoming is a tradition in high schools since it builds memories, pride, and school spirit. According to, “Homecoming is a major tradition in high schools because it builds school spirit and pride. It is a way for students to come together and show their support for their school and their community. Homecoming week is a time for students to have fun and create memories that will last a lifetime.” This demonstrates why homecoming should be a requirement at all high schools since it fosters connections between the community and displays school spirit and pride. 


Homecomings can be advantageous for schools as well. Schools have the option of charging for homecoming tickets, which can be used for other things, like field trips. According to, “Generating financial support helps schools pay for experiences outside of the classroom, like international trips and projects… or dances, but fundraising also enriches your students’ educational experience by funding after-school activities.” This demonstrates how earning money for the school by charging for items, like dance tickets, can be utilized for supplies or additional activities. 


After reading this, what do you think about homecoming? Do you understand why it may be important to other people and for you? Parents, teachers, and teenagers, you should start attending homecoming to experience the fun! If your school doesn't already host a homecoming, start your own petition to add one or have additional homecomings!

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