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Olympic Triathlon 2023

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September 29, 2023                                                                                                                                                            Noor Abbas | Staff Writer

The Olympic Triathlon is a fundraising event where students and staff will be able to engage, communicate, and have fun. This event is held to raise money for our specialties (art, Spanish, P.E.) It will be taking place at both Westlake Charter K-8th and high school campuses on Friday September 29th.


This event is where students and staff of Westlake Charter School can participate in fun activities throughout the day, targeting the specialties of art, Spanish, and P.E. The annual fundraiser helps raise money for these classes. Within the event, students will be able to engage in these specialties while being able to engage with other students. 


The event starts off with the Olympic Oath, moving into the Pledge of Allegiance. Afterwards Dr. Eick makes announcements with K-5th at morning meetings and lights up the Olympic Torch. For 6th grade and above, the announcements are made over the intercom. The lighting of the Olympic Torch indicates that the games have begun. Throughout the day, we will have games that correspond to our specialties.  Students are able to engage in these games by creating art, like origami that we had last year. Or Spanish games, like lotería, and P.E obstacle courses! Out of this, the students can build a strong understanding between each other and the school community. 


Two students were asked what they think is most important in the Olympic Triathlon, they said, “We think that the fundraising is the most important part of the Olympic Triathlon because the fundraising is to help raise money for specialties, which would allow them to have more access for things like supplies in art, Spanish, and more equipment in P.E” said Dua and Gisele, 9th grade students at Westlake Charter High School. 


According to Mellaney, a 9th grade student at Westlake Charter High School, “The Olympic Triathlon is a fun event in which people can communicate with their peers, and fundraise for our specialties. It’s not only a fundraising event, but it helps for people to be in touch with each other.” 

This is why the Olympic Triathlon is an important part of Westlake, it promotes Westlake's specialties by raising money and allowing staff and students to engage and communicate with one another. Follow The Expedition for more interesting news stories!

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